You can cancel your order directly from your confirmation email within one hour of placing it. Simply scroll down to the “Changed your mind?” section and follow the instructions. If it has been more than 60 minutes, email us at [email protected], and we’ll assist you with an alternative solution.
If you canceled your order but would still like to receive it, the best option is to place a new order during checkout. For questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected]—we’re here to help!
If you canceled your order via the link in your confirmation email, you will receive another email confirming the cancellation. If you haven’t received this confirmation, please email us at [email protected] with your original order number, and we’ll verify it for you.
If your order includes a gift card, the cancellation option won’t appear. In this case, email us at [email protected] with your order number and cancellation or change request, and we’ll assist you.
For any additional questions or concerns, contact us at [email protected]. We’re here to help!
We have received your request. We will send the information to your email address. Please ensure you provided the correct email. If you need further assistance, you can reach us through:
We will respond to your request within 5-30 minutes